Shh...my little pixie is sleeping! Introducing the oversized ottoman, the lamp, and the baby's swing. They are the new high tech equipment used to hold the fancy white sheet. And a whole lot of tape (I'm sure if you scoured my living room, you'd find at least 3 pieces of abandoned tape). It was a cloudy Monday and the sun was already setting so my light was limited. I took no less than 75 shots to figure out which angle I liked and broke into a sweat thinking this was going to be a Monday failure. She kept waking up so every minute that I spent soothing her back to sleep was another lost minute of light. Anyone who has ever seen the artificial lighting in my living room knows that the moment the sun sets, it transforms into a cave. To make things worse, I had started with a thick, fuzzy blanket as the backdrop. But as the light waned, the blanket cast an odd glow on the baby. I was determined to avoid using my flash, so I did a quick switcheroo to old faithful and the sheet reflected the last of the sunlight.
Looking back on this photo, there is so much I would change. But I captured a peaceful moment and that's the most important thing. I've learned that not all shots are going to have the right angle or great lighting. It's the captured feeling that counts.